Life after an automobile accident can feel overwhelming. Dealing with insurance companies, car repairs, and an injury may seem like a lot. It may surprise you to hear that beginning a physical therapy program immediately following your car accident is recommended. It might feel too soon, but how quickly you begin PT directly impacts your recovery time.
Many people envision car accident victims with severe injuries like broken bones. The reality is that minor muscle and tendon injuries are more common and can cause serious issues. Car accident injuries can last much longer than you think and create several health problems if left untreated. It is essential to seek out a physical therapist regardless of whether you feel you have "serious" injuries or not.
Important benefits to physical therapy after a motor vehicle accident include:
- Faster Recovery - Physical therapists specialize in increasing strength, improving flexibility, and keeping pain symptoms at bay. You can dramatically shorten your recovery by attending physical therapy right after an injury.
- Avoid Chronic Pain - A physical therapist will work to determine why certain muscle groups or tissues are weak or stiff. An individualized exercise program will reduce stress in these areas while alleviating pain and improving your mobility and strength helping you to avoid long term pain.
- Reduce Secondary Injuries - Physical therapists can assist in accessing areas of weakness and assist in strengthening exercises. A PT will help target specific muscles that need to regain strength and guide you on when it is safe to return to activities without further risk of damage.
- Avoid Surgery - When injuries such as a disc herniation or a sprained wrist get left untreated, the risk of a future surgery increases. Studies show that physical therapy is proven effective in avoiding surgery for various ailments and injuries1.
Physical Therapy is a vital part of the healing process if you have been in an automobile accident. Our expert therapists have years of experience with various injuries. Our PTs design regimens for car accident victims to boost flexibility, increase range of motion, improve strength and reduce pain.
At ACE Rehab, our physical therapist will customize a personal rehabilitation plan tailored to your injuries and future goals. We're available to answer any questions and help you learn your physical therapy options. Call us today!
The team at ACE Rehab is here to guide you after an automobile accident. We will assist you in navigating insurance claims and offer you personalized treatment plans to get you back to your pre-injured self